Mercredi 13 Mai 2015
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Please find below links to recordings of plenary presentations that took place on Wednesday, May 13 2015 at theTechNet Conference in Bangkok, Thailand. These are available for viewing on the USTREAM website. Many thanks and I hope that you find these presentations interesting and useful. Please accept my apologies for the occasional lack of sound or other interruption at some points.

Global updates: Cold chain equipment, maintenance and temperature monitoring systems

WHO PQS and prequalification of cold chain equipment, technologies and devices for immunization, Denis Maire (WHO)

Lastest from UNICEF SD on cold chain equipment, technologies and support package, Dereje Haile (UNICEF)

Temperature monitoring evidence, strategies, technologies and practices - Where do we go from here? Benjamin Schreiber (UNICEF)

Country innovations: Extending the reach of vaccines with CCE and other innovations

Senegal - Using long holdover passive storage devices at the last mile , Khadidiatou Gomis (Ministry of Health)

Vietnam -Using solar direct drive CCE: the needs, success and challenges, Nguyen Van Cuong (Ministry of Health)

Togo - Implementing a controlled temperature chain (CTC) approach during a Meningitis A vaccine campaign, Dadja Essoya Landoh (Ministry of Health)

Moderated Q&A: Equipping the system, Pat Lennon (PATH)

Country innovations: Protecting vaccines with continuous temperature monitoring during storage and transport

Lao PDR - Implementing a temperature monitoring strategy with 30 day temperature recorders (30 DTR) - opportunities and challenges, Kongxay Phounphen ghack (Ministry of Health)

Mozambique - Innovations in cold chain temperature monitoring, Ruth Bechtel (VillageReach)

Turkey - Innovative approach for end-to-end temperature monitoring of the vaccine cold chain, Tarkan Yamanoglu (Ministry of Health)

Moderated Q&A: Equipping the system, Benjamin Schreiber (UNICEF)

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