mardi 24 mai 2016
  1 Replies
  9.8K Visits

Thanks to the flexibility of the TechNet-21 website, I can share two older (circa 1985) collections of densely technical and highly practical equipment maintenance documents developed by WHO using the TechNet Resource Library (TRL). Once only available in hardcopy or in a digital corner of the online PATH Vaccine Resource Library, these materials are now available in two TRL collections:


WHO User's Handbooks for Refrigerators and Cold Stores

A series of booklets to help refrigerator and cold store users look after their equipment better. Developed in 1983, includes user handbooks on compression, kerosene and electric, and gas and electric refrigerators, as well as cold stores. Contents in all booklets include: actions on receipt, parts list, starting process, periodic attention needs, fault-finding, and maintenance and repair tasks.


WHO Technician's Handbook for Compression Refrigerators

Technician's Handbook for Compression Refrigerators materials were produced in 1985 by WHO EPI to improve the standards of refrigerator and cold room maintenance and repair. These were course materials to support a 10 working day course for repair technicians.

Please take a moment to look at these unique materials and other great finds in the TRL.

Best regards,


8 years ago

Hi Sophie !


What you did is just wonderful ! These excellent documents would have been lost without your determination ! Thank you from the bottom of the heart !





Modibo Dicko | Directeur de Projet


IntraHealth International | Parce que les prestataires de santé sauvent des vies.

Bureau du Sénégal | 85, Lot C & E, Sacré-Coeur Pyrotechnique, Dakar | BP 5328 Dakar Fann

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