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Immunization Newsletter, March 2023

Oral Cholera Vaccination on the Island of Hispaniola

Cholera vaccination campaign in Haiti. ©PAHO/WHO.

After more than three years with no cases of cholera reported in Haiti, authorities reported two confirmed cases of Vibrio cholerae O1 in the greater Port-au-Prince area on 2 October 2022. As of 21 February 2023, the Haitian Ministry of Health Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories, and Research (DELR, using its French acronym) reports 32 574 suspected cases of cholera across the 10 departments of the country, as well as 2377 confirmed cases. Of these, 17 648 (54.2%) suspected cases and 1262 (53.1%) confirmed cases have been reported in the department of Ouest, where the capital Port-au-Prince is located. To date, DELR reports 389 deaths from cholera in clinical settings, and another 205 deaths found in the community.


Articles in this issue

Measles and influenza vaccination campaign in Brazil, May 2022. ©Karina Zambrana, PAHO/WHO.

Second Annual Meeting of the Measles and Rubella Elimination Regional Monitoring and Re-Verification Commission

The second annual meeting of the Measles and Rubella Elimination Regional Monitoring and Re-Verification Commission (RVC), held during 15–17 November 2022, provided Member States the forum to update the RVC on the implementation of the recommendations made in the previous year to sustain their elimination gains. The meeting also provided an opportunity for six additional countries to present updated national reports using the published Regional Framework for the Monitoring and Re-Verification of Measles, Rubella, and Congenital Rubella Syndrome Elimination in the Americas, Revised edition.


Photo: © iStock

Digital certificates as an example of digital transformation in immunization

The need to work with digital processes during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in innovations in digital health documents. COVID-19 vaccination certificates, laboratory test results, and history of SARS-CoV-2 infection have become relevant documents when a person must prove this information.


A child is vaccinated against polio in Bolivia, October 2022. ©PAHO/WHO.

PAHO is developing a pilot with the Plurinational State of Bolivia for implementation of monitoring and evaluation indicators, using data from its Nominal Electronic Immunization Registry

Nominal Electronic Immunization Registries (EIRs) have proven to be cost-effective tools for improving the performance of immunization programs. In the Region of the Americas, PAHO promotes the use of nominal EIRs and provides technical assistance to countries while planning and implementing these systems and the use of data.



Update Of the WHO Recommendations for Vaccination Against COVID-19


Read complete issue

  • Oral Cholera Vaccination on the Island of Hispaniola
  • Second Annual Meeting of the Measles and Rubella Elimination Regional Monitoring and Re- Verification Commission
  • Update Of the WHO recommendations for vaccination against COVID-19
  • Digital certificates as an example of digital transformation in immunization
  • PAHO is developing a pilot with the Plurinational State of Bolivia for implementation of monitoring and evaluation indicators, using data from its Nominal Electronic Immunization Registry
  • Final Classification of Cases in the Region of the Americas, 2022

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