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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

15th Dec, 2021 10:00AM


15th Dec, 2021 11:00AM

Event Description:

The WHO is launching the new web-based and mobile-based equipment Inventory and Gap Analysis (IGA) application. Join us in a webinar to learn how this application can ease up the burden of maintaining an updated cold chain equipment inventory and generate reports to identify where there are capacity gaps. This session will introduce you to the different functionalities of IGA and will provide an opportunity to learn from the experiences of current users.

The webinar will be held on 15th December at 10:00 AM Geneva time (CET). 

Please use this link to register: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dX6gmRtdTIm_54T-oFIhJw 

We look forward to your participation! 

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