Par VillageReach le Jeudi 26 Janvier 2023
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Fresh Perspectives and New Goals


Looking Ahead to 2023 and Beyond 

When I look back on 2022, I see so many places VillageReach took chances, aimed higher, and achieved new impacts in partnership with others. At the “vaccinodromes” of Kinshasa (DRC) and Yopougon (Côte d’Ivoire), we combined all that we know about delivering primary health care for the hardest to reach populations, immunization and supply chains, to develop quality, client-centered COVID-19 vaccination sites that directly vaccinated over 300,000 people, along with a model that is now being implemented by others. With persistence, iteration, data, and innovation we showed how health care can be more accessible and impactful.

I am proud of our reputation as trusted thought leaders and radical collaborators. That ethos has led us to take great steps in 2022 to share the fruits of our field work and research in new ways, including the release of a comprehensive supply chain integration framework, global goods to help governments, donors and implementers to forge ever closer relationships, and most recently, a podcast featuring our friends and partners. Thanks to each and every one of you for your daily contributions to ensuring a world where everyone has the health care needed to thrive. I look forward to a wonderful 2023 of work together.

In solidarity,

Emily Bancroft, President

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Journey to Sustainability and Scale with Government

VillageReach announced the release of the Stakeholder Alignment Workshop Guide, designed to align governments, donors and social impact organizations on a pathway toward sustainable public health solutions.
Download the guide


New Podcast Series "Products to People: An Integrated Public Health Supply Chain"

This series, hosted by our Director of Supply Chain Tiwonge Mkandawire, dives deeper into VillageReach's Supply Chain Integration Framework -  a pathway to build high-performing public health supply chains that are equitable, people-centered, resilient and sustainable.  
Check out the trailer today!

With guest Kelly Hamblin, a Senior Program Officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, learn how the integration framework helps partners think more holistically about supply chains and why governments must lead the integration process. 
Listen to Episode 1 - Strategy & Stewardship

Gain insight into the critical role of community health workers in achieving Universal Health Coverage with guests Madeleine Ballard, executive director of the Community Health Impact Coalition, and Dickson Nansima Mbewe, a senior health surveillance assistant with the Malawi Ministry of Health. 
Tune in to Episode 2 - Supplies Beyond the Health Facility

How an Unexpected Polio Case Revived an Urgent Eradication Mission: A Polio Sample Transport Program Q&A

In February 2022, a case of wild poliovirus was detected in Malawi, the first in the country in 30 years and the first in Africa since 2020. We catch up with Luciana Maxim, Director of Quality and Impact, to discuss recent eradication efforts.  
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Say 'Yes' to Women-Led Networks: How to Find Networks that Align with Your Goals

In a Forbes op-ed, Emily Bancroft says 'yes' to women-led networks and the transformational impact they can have on leaders, organizations and the broader global community.

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Provide Vaccines for Children in Mozambique by Addressing Barriers to Routine Immunization

Routine childhood vaccinations save millions of lives each year and are highly cost-effective. Yet millions of children go under- or un-vaccinated. Due to the pandemic, 25 million children missed routine vaccinations, according to a July report from WHO and UNICEF. Join our campaign to reverse the backslide. 
Join the campaign

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