Par VillageReach le Mardi 18 Janvier 2022
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Putting the "Global" into Global Health


Image: Getty
Lessons From The Virtuous Cycle Of Global Learning
As we head into the third year of a global pandemic, VillageReach remains focused on speeding up the pace of global vaccination. There is still a long way to go to reach our goals, but nevertheless, I find myself filled with hope. This pandemic has brought many opportunities for learning, including redefining the “global” in global health by recognizing and connecting with local expertise. 

This was the focus of my Forbes Nonprofit Council article last month – recognizing that communities across the globe have a lot to teach one another. By embracing this virtuous cycle of global learning, VillageReach is taking knowledge from our vaccine delivery work in Africa and applying it in Washington State, while at the same time taking our experience with COVID-19 vaccine delivery in the U.S. and applying lessons to the African countries where we work. 

While this new year will bring new opportunities and challenges in our work one thing remains the same – the only way through this pandemic is together. 

In solidarity,

Emily Bancroft, President
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Vaccination Sites Open in the DRC and Côte d'Ivoire 

In late 2021 VillageReach supported governments in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Côte d'Ivoire to set up COVID-19 high-volume vaccination sites in central locations. The goal is for sites in Kinshasa and Abidjan is to increase community access to vaccinations and to vaccinate up to 1000 people per day.


With Omicron on the Horizon, Mozambique Delivers Covid Vaccines to the Last Mile
What can we do in the face of a new COVID-19 variant?  Vaccination remains our most effective tool. This great video story from the London Evening Standard, featuring VillageReach Country Director Dr. Rotafina Donco, follows the vaccine journey in Mozambique.
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Community Health Worker Registry Launch Event

Too often, community health workers (CHWs) go unprotected, unpaid and uncounted. With new guidance, countries can develop better tracking to count and support CHWs. Join VillageReach and many other global organizations at the January 20th launch event. 
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Are Dual Cadre CHW Programmes Exploitation By Another Name?
Dual-cadre community health worker (CHW) programmes, that combine salaried and volunteer CHWs, have been growing, but volunteers are prone to exploitation. Without adequate safeguards, dual-cadre programmes risk entrenching gender and other inequalities. As this Community Health Impact Coalition article contends, the time for action is now!
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Crisis Collaboration As The New Modus Operandi
Collaboration is vital in the social sector. The lessons from the past two years have changed our values, and ultimately, the way we do business. Redefining normal in the social sector must include embracing new approaches to collaboration, because reverting back to "business as usual" is not really an option. The communities we serve are counting on us.
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