Technical cooperation on the immunization information and data quality system in Peru - Blog and Newsletters - TechNet-21
Par Global Immunization Newsletter le Vendredi 8 Mars 2024
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Technical cooperation on the immunization information and data quality system in Peru

Start date: 28 November 2023
Termination Date: 30 November 2023

Participants: Immunization Services Division (IVD/CDC), Department of Information Systems and Directorate of Integrated Health Networks (DIRIS), Lima East, San Marcos, and Alpha Omega health facilities, as well as the Special Program for Comprehensive Immunization (CIM) and Peru country office of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).


The PAHO CIM team participated in a technical cooperation visit to Lima, Peru, to learn about the advances and new challenges in terms of the immunization information system (IIS) and the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on this component of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI).

Immunization registries are essential to respond to the information needs of the different EPI stakeholders, calculate vaccination coverage and other relevant indicators for the management and results of the Program. The visit began with a technical discussion and visits were made to the DIRIS), Lima East, and the San Marcos and Alpha Omega health facilities, where the IIS were reviewed considering their flows, use, interoperability with other systems, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.

Peru has a clear vision regarding the digital health agenda and has worked hard to strengthen its IIS. It has a nominal electronic immunization registry (EIR) implemented nationally for COVID-19 and routine vaccination, through the systematized data platform (HIS) and the Ministry of Health, and the new electronic health record system, SIHCE, implemented in 35% of health centers. The country uses a nominal roll of children under six years of age, which is the population base for the EIR and the calculation of coverage and indicators. In addition, they have considered an approach to the population, who can access their routine and COVID-19 digital vaccination certificates by accessing the platform and application Carnet de Vacunación of the Ministry of Health[1] .The subnational level has also promoted local developments, such as the Dashboard of Active Searches of the DIRIS, Lima Este.

The presentation of the results was attended by the Minister of Health César Vásquez and the Vice Minister of Public Health, Ricardo Peña. The minister reiterated his strong commitment to the immunization program and digital agenda of the health sector.  


The next agreed activities are focused on supporting the country with the generation of analysis and visualizations based on EIR data, reviewing and systematizing processes for data quality, and strengthening georeferencing analysis capabilities, among others.


Author: WHO PAHO

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