Par Moderator le Vendredi 18 Décembre 2020
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Thank You for Your Dedication


Today is the last night of Hanukkah and almost the end of the first week of COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Just as Hanukkah celebrates bringing light into the world, we hope this initial wave of vaccine will be the first glimmers of light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.

In Hebrew, the word Hanukkah means dedication, and AIRA staff know how much you’re dedicating your time and energy to vaccine response. We continue to be here to support you and all the great work you’re doing.

We plan to send a series of short emails over the next few weeks with easy (and free!) tips to help you de-stress. We hope you’ll find these tips useful. In addition to offering tips to help you de-stress, we’re also here to help you as you continue to navigate COVID-19 vaccine response and your day-to-day work. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

While it may feel like it’s extra easy to get stressed out these days, it’s also equally as easy to reset your stress response. Don’t believe us? Take it from the National Institutes of Health.

Did you know? Not all stress eating is bad.

Tip: Eat a snack. Go for a healthy option and something that will fill you up. If you prefer something crunchy, opt for a handful of almonds; something creamy, consider half an avocado; something sweet, pick fresh fruit (try to find something in season for the best flavor).

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