Par WIISE - WHO Immunization Information System le mardi 2 mai 2023
Catégorie: Partner News

The WHO/UNICEF Immunization Annual Data Collection Process has started!

We are pleased to announce that the World Health Organization (WHO) / United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) electronic Joint Reporting Form on Immunization (eJRF) has been open for completion since March 1st and covers reporting data for 2022. 😃Do you want to know what the eJRF tool is and how it works? 😉 ✅🆕Read our full article, ➡️"WHO/UNICEF have started the Immunization Annual Data Collection Process" published in the Global Immunization News (GIN), explaining the details about the process and how countries enter #immunization data through the eJRF tool directly into a secure, centralized database, facilitating its validation and #management. ➡️Happy reading! 🤓 #immunizationdata #reporting2022 #annualcollectionprocess  Link:
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