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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

5th Mai, 2020 8:00PM


5th Mai, 2020 9:00PM

Description de l'événement:

Dr. Broniatowski will discuss the results of new studies regarding similarities between COVID-19 misinformation and the vaccine debate. Participants will learn how to identify bots, trolls, and cyborgs and strategies for combatting the online spread of misinformation about vaccines. Dr. Broniatowski will provide international context using specific examples of vaccine rumors and conspiracy theories spread online.


About Dr. Broniatowski:

Dr. Broniatowski is the Director of the Decision Making and Systems Architecture Laboratory at George Washington University in Washington D.C. His work on systematic distortions of public opinion about vaccines on social media by state-sponsored trolls has been widely reported in the academic and popular press. Read more about Dr. Broniatowski here.

Impossible de charger le contenu de l'info-bulle.