Vendredi 24 Juillet 2020
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Online Workshop: Building Sustainable and Resilient National Immunization Supply Chains during COVID-19 and Beyond
Date: August 13th, 2020 (English session)
Time: 14:00 CET (13:00 GMT, 8:00 ET)
Duration: 1 hr. 30 mins
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We will shine the spotlight on selected countries to share their experiences and lesson learned in immunization supply chain continuity during COVID-19 with a panel of renowned supply chain experts on supply chain resilience for current and future disruptions.

Speaker(s): EPI managers and immunization supply chain experts from Nigeria, Afghanistan and Kenya

Justus Jiboye - Associate Director, Global Vaccines, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Amos Chweya – Regional Immunization Advisor, inSupplyHealth JSI
Walter Proper - Executive Director, International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL)
Moderator: Adebayo Adekola, Supply Chain Specialist, UNICEF Supply division.

For more information, please contact Patrick Gaparayi, Supply Chain Manager, UNICEF Supply Division at [email protected]

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