Par VillageReach le Mardi 20 Décembre 2022
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Let’s unite for vaccine equity TODAY


In February, the Malawi Ministry of Health announced the shocking news that a case of wild poliovirus had been detected in a child – the first in the country in 30 years and the first in Africa since 2020. A month later, neighboring Mozambique confirmed eight more cases.  

Polio is an infectious disease that mainly affects children under five and can lead to life-long paralysis. Its spread in one country is a threat worldwide. Although there is no cure, vaccines can prevent it and help protect a child for life.

VillageReach helps improve health care delivery to reach everyone. Your gift helps improve access to lab samples and help every child catch up on their polio, measles, and other routine vaccines so they can have long and healthy lives. With your support, we promise we won’t stop working to protect children across the world, today and for generations to come.

Emily Bancroft
P.S. – Click on this link to learn how VillageReach works alongside the Ministries of Health of fifteen African countries to prevent polio outbreaks by improving polio sample transportation from health facilities to in-country or international laboratories.




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