Par Joseph Swan le Vendredi 30 Avril 2021
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Polio News April 2021

April 2021


Dear Moderator,
This year’s World Immunization Week is helping spread the message that vaccines bring us closer – to our families, to healthier lives, and to ending polio. Innovation around immunization efforts continue to help bring us closer. As just one example, initial use of the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) has been deployed to protect millions of children around the world. This vaccine will be a key part of the new Global Polio Eradication Initiative Strategy 2022-2026 – to be launched in full over the coming months – which builds upon three decades of lessons learned to adapt the program’s approach to the current era and deliver a polio-free world.
Paving the way for women in the fight to end polio

© courtesy Ellyn Ogden
For over two decades, Ellyn Ogden has led a wide range of polio eradication efforts for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) – from helping negotiate ceasefires in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to expanding the women-led door-to-door vaccinator workforce in India. See why Ellyn believes empowering women to be decision-makers at all levels of the program is essential to end polio for good. [More]
Polio survivor advocates for vaccination

Meet Miran Muhajid, a polio survivor, who now uses his story to limit vaccine refusals and encourage polio vaccination. Listen to Miran recount how the difficulties of his youth have inspired him to help spread awareness and ensure every child in his community is vaccinated. [More]
New Champion highlights Monaco’s history of support

Her Excellency Ambassador C. Lanteri © WHO
Monaco has been a longtime supporter of the fight against polio, with Princess Grace’s advocacy in the 1950s mobilizing key support to develop the original polio vaccine. Read how Her Excellency Carole Lanteri (Ambassador of Monaco to the United Nations) will continue this important legacy as the newest GPEI Gender Champion, shining a light on all the critical ways that women help to end polio. [More]
Wild poliovirus in 2021 (2020)*
Global Total:   2 (45)

Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus in 2021 (2020)*
Global Total: 73 (88) 

*Data as of 27 April 2021. Numbers in brackets represent data at this time in 2020.

Breakdown by country 
Devex: Global health leaders plead for renewed investment in polio eradication

Devex: Q&A: Why Rotary isn't purchasing COVID-19 vaccines

Forbes: Q&A with UNICEF Nigeria: How Polio Paved The Way For A Powerful COVID-19 Response 
Monaco, the largest per capita donor to the GPEI, contributed €50 000 to WHO for global activities in 2021.

WHO  and Unicef would like to thank the Bill & Melinda Gates
, which has approved a total of US$ 10 million and US$ 5 million in funding for cVDPV Outbreak Response in 2021. Funds will be used to implement quality and timely outbreak response immunization activities as needed, including planned campaigns using nOPV2 and mOPV2 in countries of the African Region and potentially outbreak response campaigns in the Eastern Mediterranean and European Regions.

Actress Grace Kelly distributed March of Dimes literature to leaders of the Mothers’ march on Polio. © Yale School of Medicine

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