jeudi 31 juillet 2014
  4 Replies
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I'm a student with the University of Washington. We are trying to develop and improve upon cost models for the cold chain. We know that for grid electricity, kerosene and gas we can multiply country energy prices by consumption. Has anyone attempted to model what the cost would be if the refrigerator were running partially or fully on a generator?
9 years ago
Hi Michael - PATH has a refrigerator total life-cost model that we are planning to make available to the public after we finish refining it this fall. This tool doesn't address your concern directly but should support modeling of that component of the costs. Are you working with Richard Anderson from the UW? If so we should talk in person to see how PATH can help support your work.
9 years ago
Hi Pat, Thanks for your response! I am working with Richard Anderson on this project, and I'd be happy to chat personally. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I believe I have a draft of the total cost of ownership model, and have found it to be a great resource, but would love to hear any updates on that project that you have. -Michael
9 years ago
Good afternoon: For some years I have developed a cooling system for the safe preservation of vaccines and other supplies for medical use. Given the importance of this blog, commented that on the count of the energy consumption in the model commented, we built a system to meet consumption, opening doors, temperature and humedity content. My email is [email protected]. Dr. Francisco Eguiarte and live in Guadalajara Mexico
9 years ago
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