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The WHO Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) is pleased to announce the upcoming second webinar series on Why Gender Matters for Immunization: IA2030.  The Immunization Agenda 2030 e...


POST 00638E : FROM HFC/CFC TO HC-BASED REFRIGERATION 18 February 2004 _____________________________________ It appears that two of previous postings were not received. The first of these was a survey reminder that it is too late now to repost. The other is the following. My apologies for thi...
POST 00638E : FROM HFC/CFC TO HC-BASED REFRIGERATION 18 February 2004 _____________________________________ It appears that two of previous postings were not received. The first of these was a survey reminder that it is too late now to repost. The other is the following. My apologies for thi...
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POST 00634E : FROM HFC/CFC TO HC-BASED REFRIGERATION Follow-up on Posts 00487E, 00493E, 00500E and 00513E 26 January 2004 __________________________________ Terry Hart (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from IT Power India is advocating for the shift from HFC to HC-based refrigeration. TechNet h...
POST 00633E : POLIO ERADICATION 14 January 2004 ________________________________ Tomorrow (already today for many of you) at 13:50pm in WHO, Ministers of Health from Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Niger, Nigeria and Pakistan will sign the historical Geneva Declaration for the Eradication of Poli...
POST 00633E : POLIO ERADICATION 14 January 2004 ________________________________ Tomorrow (already today for many of you) at 13:50pm in WHO, Ministers of Health from Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Niger, Nigeria and Pakistan will sign the historical Geneva Declaration for the Eradication of Poli...
POST 00630E : END OF POLIO 11 January 2004 __________________________ Already a few months ago, UNICEF Press Center had announced that the famous Brazilian journalist and Special Representative Sebastião Salgado was publishing his latest book "The End of Polio: A Global Effort to End a ...
POST 00629E : DESTRUCTION OF VACCINES Follow-up on Posts 00603E, 00606E, 00609E, 00611E, 00614E and 00617E 7 January 2004 ________________________________________ NOTE : You are reminded that there is just one week left for participating in the TechNet annual survey. It is very easy an...
POST 00620E : VACCINE WASTAGE 17 December 2003 ________________________________ It is a pleasure to inform you that the document "Monitoring Vaccine Wastage at Country Level", written by our colleague Ãœmit Kartoglu (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from WHO, has now been officially publis...
POST 00619E : COMBATING RUMOURS 13 December 2003 _______________________________________ UNICEF Regional Office for East and Southern Africa (ESARO) has produced a report two years ago with the help of Joyce Kramer, on antivaccination rumours and how to combat them. The topics has lost no rele...
POST 00617E : DESTRUCTION OF VACCINES Follow-up on Posts 00603E, 00606E, 00609E, 00611E and 00614E 25 November 2003 __________________________ Henrik Oja (mailto:[log in to unmask]) shares his experience on incineration following questions raised in the previous posting on the subject (P...
POST 00616E : POSITION PAPER ON VVM 21 November 2003 _____________________________________ Christopher G. Caulfield (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from LifeLines Technology is informing us that a Policy Paper on VVM has been published. This document contains important information for all those i...
POST 00615E : SINGLE-DOSE VERSUS MULTI-DOSE Follow-up on Post 00613E 17 November 2003 ____________________________ Following the posting of the article "Single-dose versus multi-dose vaccine vials....." in Post 00613E, Femi Oyewole (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from WHO in Ethiop...
POST 00614E : VACCINE WASTAGE AND DESTRUCTION Follow-up on Posts 00603E, 00606E, 00607E, 00619E and 00611E 13 November 2003 ___________________________________ My apologies! I must have pressed the wrong key. Before I realized, the posting I had just started to prepare was gone... Exce...
POST 00613E : SINGLE-DOSE VERSUS MULTI-DOSE 5 November 2003 ____________________________ Attached is a very interesting article, "Single-dose versus multi-dose vaccine vials for immunization programmes in developing countries" by Paul K. Drain, Carib M. Nelson and John S. Lloyd, from...
POST 00611E : DESTRUCTION OF VACCINES 19 October 2003 __________________________ NOTE: The TechNet21 Website has been updated. Thanks to Spanner for his "Best Practice" story and Mark Muscat for the beautiful travel quiz picture. Go and have a look! at : http://www.technet2...
POST 00609E : DESTRUCTION OF VACCINES Follow-up on Posts 00603E and 00606E 5 October 2003 ____________________________________________ This posting contains three contributions. The first is from Stéphane Guichard (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from WHO. The second is from James Patterson ...
POST 00607E : VACCINE WASTAGE 27 September 2003 _____________________________________ Arantxa Colchero Aragones (mailto:[log in to unmask]) is asking a question about wastage rates and Ãœmit Kartoglu (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from WHO discusses the issue. _____________________________ Do...
POST 00606E : DESTRUCTION OF VACCINES Follow-up on Post 00603E 24 September 2003 ____________________________________________ This posting opens with a contribution by Anil Varshney (mailto:[log in to unmask]) from India who suggests a simple protocol for destroying unusable vaccines. Th...
POST 00604E : SUGGESTIONS FOR THE MEETING AGENDA Follow-up on Posts 00584E, 00587E, 00591E, 00595E, 00600E and 00602E 18 September 2003 _______________________________________________ Two contributions were received, both commenting and reinforcing Anthony Battersby's comments in Post 006...
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