Article de revue

Publication: Diaz-OVaccination coverage in children and adolescents in Mexico: vaccinated, under vaccinated and non vaccinated

Vaccination coverage surveys - Publication

abstract:Objective. To assess vaccination coverage of children and

adolescents. Materials and methods. Study based on National Health

and Nutrition Survey 2012. Results. Coverage in <1 year old

infants was <70% for 3 vaccines and <50% for 5. In 15-23

months-olds infants coverage was 59.8% for four vaccines and 51%

for six. In 6-year-olds coverage was 93.2% for 1 dose of MMR, and

was below 50% for three vaccines in adolescents. Proportion of

non-vaccinated individuals was 4.7% in <1-year-olds, 0.2% in

15-23-month-olds, 6.8% in 6-year-olds and 37% in adolescents.

Coverage for BCG, HB, and Pneumococcal vaccines in <1-year-olds,

and MMR in 15-23-month-olds was >80%. No health insurance and

maternal or adolescent illiteracy were explanatory variables for

incomplete schema. Conclusions. Results suggest it is necessary to

strengthen information systems, health promotion, training, and

daily vaccination without restrictive schedules, ensuring timely

and adequate supply of vaccines.

Références sur le sujet


Ajouté par: Courtney Rady Smith

Ajouté le: 2023-06-30 01:24:17

Consultations: 2568