Le Réseau Technique de Renforcement des Services de Vaccination

Nous sommes un réseau mondial de professionnels de la vaccination engagés à renforcer les services de vaccination en établissant des relations, en partageant les connaissances, en coordonnant les activités et en alignant les priorités et les objectifs. En savoir plus.

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The WHO Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) is pleased to announce the upcoming second webinar series on Why Gender Matters for Immunization: IA2030.  The Immunization Agenda 2030 e...


POST 00400E : PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES Follow-up to Post00391E (26 November 2001) and Post00386 (23 October 2001) 19 December 2001 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. CAN CURRENT VVMs BE USED TO PREVENT FREEZING? Post00391...
POST 00396E TEMPERATURE LOGGERS PROBLEM 7 December 2001 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Anthony Battersby reports problems with temperature loggers. For those concerned, here is his message Anthony Battersby FBA Health System...
POST 00396E TEMPERATURE LOGGERS PROBLEM 7 December 2001 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Anthony Battersby reports problems with temperature loggers. For those concerned, here is his message Anthony Battersby FBA Health System...
Post00391E PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES 26 November 2001 ************************* 1. Background 2. Can we return back to the 4-8°C recommended refrigeration range of the 1980s? 3. Can current VVMs be used to prevent freezing? 4. Another priority: to minimize the need for...
Post00391E PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES 26 November 2001 ************************* 1. Background 2. Can we return back to the 4-8°C recommended refrigeration range of the 1980s? 3. Can current VVMs be used to prevent freezing? 4. Another priority: to minimize the need for...
Post00391E PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES 26 November 2001 ************************* 1. Background 2. Can we return back to the 4-8°C recommended refrigeration range of the 1980s? 3. Can current VVMs be used to prevent freezing? 4. Another priority: to minimize the need for...
Post00391E PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES 26 November 2001 ************************* 1. Background 2. Can we return back to the 4-8°C recommended refrigeration range of the 1980s? 3. Can current VVMs be used to prevent freezing? 4. Another priority: to minimize the need for...
Post00391E PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES 26 November 2001 ************************* 1. Background 2. Can we return back to the 4-8°C recommended refrigeration range of the 1980s? 3. Can current VVMs be used to prevent freezing? 4. Another priority: to minimize the need for...
POST00392E A "THINK PIECE" ON INTRODUCTION OF NEW VACCINE: BALANCING PUBLIC DESIRE FOR THE VACCINE WITH OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES RELATED TO CATCHUP PLANS 26 November 2001 In Post00373, 10 September 2001, Robert Steinglass from BASICS , contributed a thought provoking paper: &qu...
POST00392E A "THINK PIECE" ON INTRODUCTION OF NEW VACCINE: BALANCING PUBLIC DESIRE FOR THE VACCINE WITH OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES RELATED TO CATCHUP PLANS 26 November 2001 In Post00373, 10 September 2001, Robert Steinglass from BASICS , contributed a thought provoking paper: &qu...
POST00392E A "THINK PIECE" ON INTRODUCTION OF NEW VACCINE: BALANCING PUBLIC DESIRE FOR THE VACCINE WITH OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES RELATED TO CATCHUP PLANS 26 November 2001 In Post00373, 10 September 2001, Robert Steinglass from BASICS , contributed a thought provoking paper: &qu...
POST00392E A "THINK PIECE" ON INTRODUCTION OF NEW VACCINE: BALANCING PUBLIC DESIRE FOR THE VACCINE WITH OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES RELATED TO CATCHUP PLANS 26 November 2001 In Post00373, 10 September 2001, Robert Steinglass from BASICS , contributed a thought provoking paper: &qu...
POST00392E A "THINK PIECE" ON INTRODUCTION OF NEW VACCINE: BALANCING PUBLIC DESIRE FOR THE VACCINE WITH OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES RELATED TO CATCHUP PLANS 26 November 2001 In Post00373, 10 September 2001, Robert Steinglass from BASICS , contributed a thought provoking paper: &qu...
POST00394E PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS SLIDE SET and DATA TABLES FROM WHO 27 November 2001 Hemanthi Dassanayake from WHO informs that WHO prepared a set of slides on PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS (and data tables). The package was prepared by Tracey Goodman ...
POST00394E PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS SLIDE SET and DATA TABLES FROM WHO 27 November 2001 Hemanthi Dassanayake from WHO informs that WHO prepared a set of slides on PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS (and data tables). The package was prepared by Tracey Goodman ...
POST00394E PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS SLIDE SET and DATA TABLES FROM WHO 27 November 2001 Hemanthi Dassanayake from WHO informs that WHO prepared a set of slides on PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS (and data tables). The package was prepared by Tracey Goodman ...
POST00394E PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS SLIDE SET and DATA TABLES FROM WHO 27 November 2001 Hemanthi Dassanayake from WHO informs that WHO prepared a set of slides on PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS (and data tables). The package was prepared by Tracey Goodman ...
POST00394E PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS SLIDE SET and DATA TABLES FROM WHO 27 November 2001 Hemanthi Dassanayake from WHO informs that WHO prepared a set of slides on PROGRESS TOWARDS GLOBAL IMMUNIZATION GOALS (and data tables). The package was prepared by Tracey Goodman ...
Post00386 PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES 23 October 2001 CONTENTS 1. PROTECTION OF MORE COLD SENSITIVE VACCINES " Hep B freezes at ?0.5, two degrees above DPT. ....field assessments in recent years have shown that DPT freezing is a common problem,..." It has bee...
Post00385 HYBRID SOLAR AND COOL IDEAS + PIS 19 October 2001 CONTENTS 1. HYBRID SOLAR ELECTRIC POWER continued 2. RE: Post00383 COOL IDEAS continued 3. THE PRODUCT INFORMATION SHEETS (PIS) Visit the TechNet 21 Delhi meeting web pages at: http://www.who.int/vaccines-access/index...
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6137 membres

Les membres de TechNet sont des professionnels de la vaccination qui travaillent à l'amélioration des services de vaccination dans chaque pays et à tous les niveaux, de la formulation des politiques mondiales et de la gestion des programmes nationaux jusqu'à la prestation de services aux niveaux infranationaux.

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Nous sommes fiers de travailler avec de nombreuses organisations et initiatives à travers le monde dans nos efforts pour aider à renforcer les services de vaccination. Nous soutenons le travail de tous les professionnels de la vaccination, des secteurs public et privé, des gouvernements et des organisations internationales aux ONG, institutions universitaires, entreprises et fabricants. TechNet est membre de deux partenariats mondiaux de vaccination:

Comité directeur de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de la vaccination de Gavi Alliance (iSC2)

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