Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource Vaccine Wastage Rates Calculator
Objectif Enables immunization programme managers and global partners to estimate tailored wstage rates according to their vaccine delivery context and for all WHO prequalified vaccines.
Contenu Vaccine wastage is the sum of vaccines discarded, lost, damaged or destroyed. Since vaccines account for a significant portion of immunization programme costs, ensuring that wastage is minimized without jeopardizing vaccination coverage is key. Accurately calculating the wastage rate is essential for reducing stock-outs and over-stock, choosing the most appropriate vaccine presentation and immunization session size, as well as sizing supply chain infrastructure at country level. In absence of data at country level, the tool will also give the option of generating wastage rates, based on the WHO normative immunization targets. The new WHO calculator will help to estimate the total wastage rate, which includes the unavoidable open vial wastage rate, the closed vial wastage rate per storage facility and the avoidable opened vial wastage rates. The calculator is available in Excel format and can be downloaded as well as a user’s guide, which explains step by step how to use the calculator.
Utilisation Requires limited user input. While the calculator contains the necessary data, the user needs to select several parameters such as vaccine, number of doses, national coverage.
Contraintes/Limitations The estimates depend on the information inputed by the user.
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter •Users can calculate estimate wastage rates and thus inform criteria relating to costs based on unavoidable open vial wastage rate, closed vial wastage rate and avoidable opened vial wastage.
•Can be used to estimate vaccine supply requirements.
Liens supplémentaires
Lien d'accès à la ressource /fr/ressources/outil/vaccine-wastage-rates-calculator