Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource Considerations for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Product Choice
Objectif Summary of current technical and programmatic information on WHO Prequalified PCV products to facilitate informed country choices for PCV introduction or product switch for childhood immunization programmes.
Contenu This document is includes information on WHO position on pneumococcal vaccines in infants in children; vaccine characteristics; safety; PCV performance; programmatic considerations; cost and financial considerations; availability and supply; prioritization among new vaccine introduction decisions.
Utilisation Does not require user input. Easily accessible list.
Contraintes/Limitations This document should be seen as a summary, rather than an endorsement of the use of specific branded products over others.
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter Cold chain volume per fully immunized child in cm3, etc.
Si disponible, notes sur le processus de développement The document is based on published sources except for content related to the newest prequalified product, PNEUMOSIL where the manufacturer provided the unpublished Clinical Study Report confidentially. The document should not be viewed as formal WHO recommendations or guidelines.
Liens supplémentaires
Lien d'accès à la ressource /fr/ressources/rapport/considerations-for-pneumococcal-conjugate-vaccine-pcv-product-choice