Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource Lives Saved Tool (LiST)
Objectif To model the estimated impact of scaling up high impact maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH).
Contenu A mathematical modelling tool that estimates the impact of scaling up high-impact MNCH and nutrition interventions in low- and middle-income countries. It estimates the impact of these interventions on health outcomes to quantify the potential effectiveness of an intervention or package of interventions. Calculates changes in cause-specific mortality based on intervention coverage change, intervention effectiveness for that cause and the percentage of cause-specific mortality sensitive to that intervention. Has built in data sources based on country-level estimates from WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and World Bank and the United Nations Population Division and the UN Inter-agency Group for child mortality estimation. But the data can also be replaced with user data.
Utilisation Requires user input. The user needs to select and edit the interventions, review the assumptions used and make appropriate changes.
Contraintes/Limitations • Quality of models and projections will rely on the appropriateness of assumptions and data.
• The default DHS data might be outdated.
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter Used to calculate changes in cause specific mortality based on intervention coverage change.
Si disponible, notes sur le processus de développement • SPECTRUM V.6.0
• LiST was developed by the Institute for International Programs at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and funded by Global Affairs Canada , the grant "Real Accountability: Data Analysis for Results (RADAR)" from the Global Affairs Office , Government of Canada, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation .
• Some examples of organizations that have used it Eleanor Crook Foundation, World Bank Global Financing Facility (GFF), Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, UNICEF, Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems.
Liens supplémentaires
Lien d'accès à la ressource /fr/ressources/outil/lives-saved-tool-list