Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource Considerations to inform country COVID-19 vaccination decision-making - Version 6
Objectif The objective is to help orient the Ministry of Health (MoH) and National Immunization Advisory Committee Group (NITAG) in their COVID-19 vaccination strategic decisions.
Contenu This slide set summarizes WHO latest recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines and considerations for COVID-19 vaccination after the end of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
Utilisation Does not require user input.
Contraintes/Limitations This document should be seen as a summary, rather than an endorsement of the use of specific branded products over others.
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter Cold chain capacity; vaccine schedule alignment
Si disponible, notes sur le processus de développement The information contained in this slide set is current as of 31 January 2024. It has been developed based on WHO Interim guidance documents, technical documents, briefs, and webpages. This slide set will be periodically updated.
Liens supplémentaires
Lien d'accès à la ressource /fr/ressources/presentation/considerations-to-inform-country-covid-19-vaccine-decision-making