

This page provides a list of immunization resources and content related to Bhutan.

From the Knowledge Hub

Mini cPIE Clinic1 - Français

Author: Anand Anbarasu, Paul Livingstone, Sudha Ramaiah, Reetika Debroy, Gayathri Ashok, Soumya Basu

Pdf Slides for Mini-cPIE Clinic #01: Global Overview and Country Experience Sharing

Author: Daniel Ali, Ibrahim Dadari, Niklas Danielsson, Rachel V. Belt, Samir V. Sodha, Ananya Iyengar, Arindam Ray, Iqbal Hossain

Recent forum posts

Using remaining opened vaccine in out reach clinic?

Tuesday, 26 March 2019 - by Tshewang Dorji Tamang

Td vaccine in pregnancy

Wednesday, 27 February 2019 - by Dr. Chandralal Mongar

Immunization Supply Chain Action Plan

Wednesday, 19 September 2018 - by Dr. Chandralal Mongar

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