Cost of COVID-19 vaccine delivery in public and private facilities in Kampala

2023Annual meeting on Meningitis MenAfriNetThinkWell partnered with Ndejje University and Kampala Capital City Authority to estimate the cost of delivering COVID-19 vaccines in public and private facilities in the Ugandan capital of Kampala, in 2021. Alongside the costing exercise, a qualitative assessment examined how the program was implemented, obtained lessons learned, and mapped key funding flows.

The overall economic cost of COVID-19 vaccination in Kampala in 2021 was estimated at $7.38 per dose, which includes the vaccine cost. The vaccine delivery cost, excluding vaccines, was $2.33 per dose. There were no significant differences in the cost of delivering through public and private facilities. This study forms part of a broader project employing standardized methods to generate cost evidence for COVID-19 vaccine delivery in seven low- and middle-income countries.

Access the study here.


Author: Rachel Archer Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. 
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