Current Job Opportunities




We want to pass along two new job opportunities with the Kentucky Immunization Branch and the Wisconsin Division of Public Health.


The Kentucky Immunization Branch is searching for an Immunization Program Manager.


The Wisconsin Division of Public Health (DPH) is seeking a full-time Immunization Information System (IIS) Epidemiologist within the Bureau of Communicable Diseases (BCD).


More information about these and other job openings can be found on the Opportunities page of the AIRA website. Please share these opportunities with anyone who may be interested and qualified.


If you have a job opportunity you want AIRA to share, send an email to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

American Immunization Registry Association 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington, District of Columbia 20006, United States 202.522.0208