PAHO launches online dashboard for routine immunization in the Americas

Dashboard de vacunación de rutina Octavia SilvaThe countries and territories of the Americas, with support from PAHO, have made remarkable progress in immunization, providing protection against vaccine-preventable diseases with a life-course approach.

PAHO's Special Program on Comprehensive Immunization (CIM) in its role of disseminating information on progress and challenges in the field of immunization is pleased to present the dashboard "Immunization throughout the life course in the Americas" in which you can find historical information and data updated until 2022 of routine vaccination coverage that countries and territories have reported through the PAHO/WHO and UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) on immunization data.

The dashboard has 4 display modules:

1. Regional overview: This module shows an overview of vaccination coverage for the Americas. The purpose of the graphs is to show vaccination trends by country and by vaccine. Only the official coverage shared through the JRF for each country or territory is shown.
2. Subregional data: This module shows an overview of vaccination coverage at the subregional level, according to the classification of subregions established by PAHO: o Southern Cone, including Brazil o Andean Region o Central America o Latin Caribbean o Non-Latin Caribbean o North America, including Mexico
3. Country detail: This module shows an overview of official vaccination coverage per country at the national level.
4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): This module presents the main questions and answers that dashboard users may have and contains complementary information, such as glossary and other additional resources to facilitate the experience in reading the information presented. 


Author: Silva Octavia , Specialist on Publications (PAHO) Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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