Yellow fever is not a new disease, but one that continues to affect countries in Africa and the Americas. Recent urban outbreaks in 2016 demonstrated that despite the advances in immunization activities, challenges remain in ending epidemics. A new strategy was developed to address these needs: Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE).

96 EYE Newsletter March 2020 (corrigendum) View this email in your browserDate: 01 April 2020 Recent developments on catch-up campaigns in SudanGavi has provided exceptional approval for Sudan's request to apply for a yellow fever (YF) catch up campaign to reach the children missed due to delays between the preventive mass vacci...

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96 EYE Newsletter March 2020 View this email in your browserDate: 31 March 2020 Recent developments on catch-up campaigns in SudanGavi has provided exceptional approval for Sudan's request to mount a yellow fever (YF) catch up campaign to reach the children missed due to delays between the preventive mass vaccination c...

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View this email in your browserDate: 27 February 2020 Centre Pasteur du Cameroun nominated as 3rd regional reference laboratory for yellow fever in AfricaSimilar to Institut Pasteur Dakar (IPD) in Senegal and the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Centre Pasteur Cameroon (CPC) will provide WHO Regional Reference Laboratory (RR...

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96 EYE Newsletter January 2020 View this email in your browserDate: 06 February 2020 Yellow fever Preventive Mass Vaccination Campaign completed in Ekiti state, Nigeria.The Government of Nigeria with support from WHO and partners launched a preventive mass vaccination campaign in Ekiti State on 24 January 2020, funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alli...

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96 EYE 2019 Year-End Update & Best Wishes for 2020 View this email in your browserDate: January 2020As we enter 2020, the EYE Secretariat sends its warmest wishes for continued public health engagement and impact at country level. We take this opportunity to review the key EYE achievements from 2019 and to highlight the next steps that ...

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