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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

27th Oct, 2016 2:00PM


27th Oct, 2016 3:00PM

Description de l'événement:
During this webinar VaxTrac will be presenting on common themes and implementation/scale-up challenges that were identified during the recent BLN Study Visit to Benin conducted between 11th and 16th July 2016. VaxTrac will also be sharing some of their relevant end-line evaluation results to show how challenges identified during the Study Visit have since been addressed, in addition to the lessons they have learned in the process of transitioning from an in-country office implementation model to a third-party support model.

Join the speaker, Mr. Aly Azhar on 27th October 2016 from 1600hrs to 1700hrs CAT (Central African Time) [or 1400 hours -1500 hours GMT].

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