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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

4th Nov, 2020 12:00PM


4th Nov, 2020 1:00PM

Description de l'événement:

Over the past few months, Boost has highlighted stories of individuals and partners who have driven change through an intitative called Bright Spots. From immunization in conflict settings to community engagement to bottom-up approaches to planning, there is innovation occurring at all levels of the system. Boost members are invited to engage with story submitters through interactive webinars that showcase promising practices from selected Bright Spots stories. The content of these webinars will be most relevant for immunization program staff working at the national or sub-national level.

This webinar will feature a team from the Solina Center for International Development and Research (SCIDaR) as they share their story of engaging with local leaders and community naming systems to improve vaccine demand in Yobe State, Nigeria.

Over the course of the session, the team will share their process, lessons learned and highlight some of the tools and approaches that may be relevant to you in your own work. 

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