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You are invited to a webinar on The Gavi Alliance New Immunisation Supply Chain Strategy. In this webinar you will …

You are invited to a webinar on The Gavi Alliance New Immunisation Supply Chain Strategy. In this webinar you will hear about Gavi's immunisation supply chain strategy (2021-2025), which supports the vision of the Gavi Alliance and the Global Immunisation Agenda 2030 of leaving no one behind with immunisation. The strategy strives towards a vision of strong supply chains led by government, supported by partners and funders, which enable the delivery of potent life-saving vaccines to every person when needed, no matter where they live. 

Presenters for this session: 
Karan Sagar, Gavi Alliance
Michelle Seidel, UNICEF

Date: Jul 6, 2022 02:00 PM CEST

Register here:

There will be also be a French session for this webinar, please stay tuned and we will soon announce the date!

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  • Géraldine Nemrod a créé un nouvel événement

    The Gavi Alliance New Immunisation Supply Chain Strategy

    You are invited to a webinar on The Gavi Alliance New Immunisation Supply Chain Strategy. In this webinar you will hear about Gavi's immunisation supply chain strategy (2021-2025), which supports the vision of the Gavi Alliance and the Global Immunisation Agenda 2030 of leaving no one behind with i…

    You are invited to a webinar on The Gavi Alliance New Immunisation Supply Chain Strategy. In this webinar you will hear about Gavi's immunisation supply chain strategy (2021-2025), which supports the vision of the Gavi Alliance and the Global Immunisation Agenda 2030 of leaving no one behind with immunisation. The strategy strives towards a vision of strong supply chains led by government, supported by partners and funders, which enable the delivery of potent life-saving vaccines to every person when needed, no matter where they live. 

    Presenters for this session: 
    Karan Sagar, Gavi Alliance
    Michelle Seidel, UNICEF

    Date: Jul 6, 2022 02:00 PM CEST

    Register here:

    There will be also be a French session for this webinar, please stay tuned and we will soon announce the date!

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    6 Jul 2022 à 14:00 - 15:00 - Europe/Zurich
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