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In December 2021, WHO launched the new web and mobile-based equipment inventory and gap analysis too (IGA). The tool is …

In December 2021, WHO launched the new web and mobile-based equipment inventory and gap analysis too (IGA). The tool is customizable and is designed to make the management of equipment inventory efficient, practical, and cost-saving, and the inventory database is promptly updated to guide decisions and actions. This webinar will explain how the IGA tool is useful for maintaining an inventory of cold chain units, including any other equipment used in the national health programmes and service delivery.

Objective: To introduce the new WHO equipment inventory and gap analysis tool (IGA), including functionalities, and usefulness in improving SC performance, to the EPI managers and logisticians in AFRO, and discuss the way forward based on countries’ interest in using the IGA tool.

Target audience: EPI managers and logisticians 

Claude Mangobo - WHO AFRO 
Mojtaba Haghgou 
Mohammad Shadan 
Maricel Castro - WHO HQ 
Solo Kone - WHO HQ 

Live interpretation will be available in French and English as needed.

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    Introduction to WHO equipment inventory and gap analysis tool

    In December 2021, WHO launched the new web and mobile-based equipment inventory and gap analysis too (IGA). The tool is customizable and is designed to make the management of equipment inventory efficient, practical, and cost-saving, and the inventory database is promptly updated to guide decisions…

    In December 2021, WHO launched the new web and mobile-based equipment inventory and gap analysis too (IGA). The tool is customizable and is designed to make the management of equipment inventory efficient, practical, and cost-saving, and the inventory database is promptly updated to guide decisions and actions. This webinar will explain how the IGA tool is useful for maintaining an inventory of cold chain units, including any other equipment used in the national health programmes and service delivery.

    Objective: To introduce the new WHO equipment inventory and gap analysis tool (IGA), including functionalities, and usefulness in improving SC performance, to the EPI managers and logisticians in AFRO, and discuss the way forward based on countries’ interest in using the IGA tool.

    Target audience: EPI managers and logisticians 

    Claude Mangobo - WHO AFRO 
    Mojtaba Haghgou 
    Mohammad Shadan 
    Maricel Castro - WHO HQ 
    Solo Kone - WHO HQ 

    Live interpretation will be available in French and English as needed.

    Register here:

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    13 Jul 2022 à 12:00 - 13:00 - Europe/Zurich
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