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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Reaching Zero-Dose Children: Human resources for missed communities
Date / Heure de l'événement:
29th Sep, 2022 3:00PM - 4:00PM (UTC)
Description de l'événement:

This webinar is the fourth session in the series on Reaching Zero-Dose Children.

The Zero-Dose Children Webinar series will build understanding of how to reach key populations which are missed by immunisation and other basic health services including communities residing in poor urban areas (informal settlements), those affected by conflict and displacement and residents of remote-rural areas. A final webinar will unpack challenges in health workforce in reaching missed communities with basic health services. The webinars will share specific country experiences on the latest learning and best practices for bringing services to the hard-to-reach. This webinar series is a joint initiative between Technet, the Zero-Dose Community of Practice and the Immunization Agenda 2030 working group on coverage and equity.

Session 4: Human resources for missed communities
29 Sep 2022 - 3pm CEST

Well trained and motivated human resources for health (HRH) is a fundament for good quality immunization services. Many countries struggle with HRH challenges including low pay, lack of incentives for staff to work in remote and insecure areas, weak supportive supervision, lack of career paths and structural gender barriers in the health system. Community health worker continue to be expected to work unpaid in most countries despite their critical function to connect communities with the formal health system and health facilities. Accountability frameworks are weak and health workers are often ill-equipped and supported to respond to community needs. This webinar will build understanding how health workers can be supported and motivated to reach zero-dose children and build stronger primary health care systems.

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