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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Communities of Learning: Its critical role of country chapters in driving supply chain capacity development and professionalisation
Date / Heure de l'événement:
17th Nov, 2022 3:00PM - 4:00PM (UTC)
Description de l'événement:
This webinar is the third session in our series on Capacity Development & Professionalization

Interested in learning more about practical approaches to supporting capacity development and professionalization in health supply chain management to drive immunization and other health outcomes? Technet in partnership with the People that Deliver (PtD), Gavi, WHO, UNICEF, JSI and VillageReach is hosting a six-part webinar series. We will be exploring the critical role of the health supply chain workforce in reaching positive health outcomes. Health programs require health supplies, such as medicines, vaccines, consumables, contraceptives and equipment, which must reach service points and patients through long and complex supply chains. Not only do health supply chains rely on financial and technical inputs, but also on competent, recognized and empowered individuals to ensure that health commodities reach the people who need them and save lives.

Session 3: Communities of Learning: Its critical role of country chapters in driving supply chain capacity development and professionalisation

Date: 17 Nov 2022 - 3pm CET

FR interpretation available
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