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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Report on National level training on AEFI and vaccine safety surveillance
Date / Heure de l'événement:
3rd Nov, 2022 9:00AM - 7th Nov, 2022 6:00PM (UTC)
Description de l'événement:

National level training AEFI

The objective of the workshop, held between 3 - 7 November 2022, was to build Nepal's capacity in assessing causality of
adverse events following immunization (AEFI) based on WHO’s revised methodology and manage related preparedness and response communications. The technical sessions included:

  • presentations on basic AEFI concepts,
  • global AEFI safety surveillance status and progress in in the South-East Asia Region (regarding routine immunization and COVID-19 vaccines),
  • AEFI detecting and reporting,
  • immunology of vaccination,
  • methods of AEFI monitoring and investigation, also in in clusters,
  • analysis of vaccine safety data,
  • overview of causality assessment,verbal autopsy as part of case investigation,
  • demo of online causality assessment software,
  • challenges in and follow up of causality assessment,
  • approach to death/AEFI,
  • vaccine safety communication,
  • risk communication and media handling,
  • AEFI management including anaphylaxis,
  • ISRR management,
  • vaccine safety monitoring in pregnancy,
  • how AEFI data is processed,
  • and Demo vigilise (AEFI data analysis).

As a follow-up of this training, Nepal’s national AEFI guidelines will be updated in accordance to recent global guidance (Immunization Agenda 2030, GVSB 2.0). Focus will be placed on moving from minimal capacity to maturity level concepts, streamlining the workflow of AEFI surveillance in Nepal, incorporating additional experts in the national AEFI investigation committee meeting and enhancing the engagement of the Department of Drug Administration in vaccine safety surveillance and relevant responses. Using Vigibase to contribute to global vaccine safety surveillance via global data sharing is also being prioritized.

The formation of provincial and district level AEFI investigation teams and conduction of provincial level AEFI workshops for capacity building in AEFI reporting, investigation and supporting AEFI committee for causality assessment were emphasized in the workshop.

The workshop was facilitated by international and national experts on vaccine safety. Meeting participants represented over 60 participants individuals from throughout the country from Ministry of Health and Population, pediatricians /physicians from federal and provincial hospitals, medical colleges and Surveillance Medical Officers from WHO.

Photo: AEFI surveillance workshop Nepal November 2022, credit: WHO Nepal

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