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The COVID-19 pandemic underlined the need to bring together various sectors and disciplines to increase policy relevance and impact on complex societal challenges. It also demonstrated the importance of mathematical modelling in informing policy-making in an uncertain and rapidly changing environment.  In particular, the integration of epidemiological and macroeconomic models in a shared analytical framework (’integrated modelling’) can help account for the close interdependence between health and the economy and consider a wider range of outcomes of interest to society, including health, well-being, inclusive economic growth, etc. 

A wide range of integrated models were developed to compare the costs and benefits of alternative COVID-19 policies and help inform which policy option can maximize population health while keeping costs at a minimum under various societal constraints (e.g., health system response capacity, keeping schools opened).  However, several factors undermined the production and use of integrated models for COVID-19 decision-making. With ongoing and increasing pandemic pathogen threat, addressing these factors now is a critical step towards strengthening pandemic preparedness and response.

Join us for an engaging webinar to know more about the forthcoming WHO-OECD-World Bank guide on Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness and Response through Integrated Modelling and to discuss how the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic can guide proactive actions now. 

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    Strengthening pandemic preparedness and response through integrated modelling (webinar)

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    The COVID-19 pandemic underlined the need to bring together various sectors and disciplines to increase policy relevance and impact on complex societal challenges. It also demonstrated the importance of mathematical mo…

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    The COVID-19 pandemic underlined the need to bring together various sectors and disciplines to increase policy relevance and impact on complex societal challenges. It also demonstrated the importance of mathematical modelling in informing policy-making in an uncertain and rapidly changing environment.  In particular, the integration of epidemiological and macroeconomic models in a shared analytical framework (’integrated modelling’) can help account for the close interdependence between health and the economy and consider a wider range of outcomes of interest to society, including health, well-being, inclusive economic growth, etc. 

    A wide range of integrated models were developed to compare the costs and benefits of alternative COVID-19 policies and help inform which policy option can maximize population health while keeping costs at a minimum under various societal constraints (e.g., health system response capacity, keeping schools opened).  However, several factors undermined the production and use of integrated models for COVID-19 decision-making. With ongoing and increasing pandemic pathogen threat, addressing these factors now is a critical step towards strengthening pandemic preparedness and response.

    Join us for an engaging webinar to know more about the forthcoming WHO-OECD-World Bank guide on Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness and Response through Integrated Modelling and to discuss how the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic can guide proactive actions now. 

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    15 Fév 2024 à 14:00 - 15:30 - Europe/Zurich
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