Lundi 14 Décembre 2009
  3 Replies
  4.3K visites
Dear all, Do you have information as to which countries, especially among European countries, require written consent for vaccinating against pandemic flu? I was asked by the ministry to try to find out what the policy in other countries is. In Croatia, the ministry asked vaccination providers to obtain written consent for pandemic flu vaccination. Best regards, Bernard Croatian Institute of Public Health Department of infectous disease epidemiology Rockefellerova 7 HR-10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel: +385 1 4683 004 Fax: +385 1 4683 877 E-mail: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
14 years ago
For Egypt, the Moh asked for a consent. Mohamed Refaat Mohamed Inspector Pharmacist, Biological Products Inspectorate Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs, Ministry of Health 21 Abdel-Aziz Al-Soaad St., Manial Al-Rodda Cairo, 11451 - Egypt Tel: ++202 2368 4381 - ++202 2368 4288 Fax: ++202 2368 4194 Mobile: ++2 012 04 08 258 E-mail: [[email protected]][email protected][/email] P Before printing, think about the Environment | Avant d'imprimer, pensez a l'Environnement | Antes de imprimir, piense en el medio ambiente
14 years ago
Written consent for the H1N1 vaccination is required in Germany , Austria, and Switzerland. Best regards, Joseph Healy Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 10:11:09 +0100
14 years ago
Thank you very much. Bernard
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