Dimanche 24 Janvier 2010
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The annual meeting of the Safe Injection Global Network (SIGN) was held from 30 November to 2 December 2009. The following are some of the presentations on Healthcare Waste Management. Many thanks to Selma Khamassi for sending these to me to be shared with TechNet21 readers.
    HCWM--10 Years: Yves Chartier: A comprehensive summary of the last 10 years efforts in M&E, technology transfer, etc.PATH's work in HCWM: Nancy Mueller: Includes the latest efforts in improved safety boxes and needle-free injection technology.Resource Mobilization for Effective Waste Management: Ruma TavorathElectronic Monitoring Tool for HCWM: Nancy Mueller: An online data collection tool that helps monitor national-level progress in HCWM Assessment and formulation of a strategy on HCWM: Ute Pieper: Based on WHO Euro efforts in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan Ukraine and Uzbekistan
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