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  • Katie Kirkby a créé un nouvel événement

    Launch: WHO Health Inequality Data Repository

    To reduce inequities in immunization we first need to know where they are. Monitoring health inequalities is a basis for targeting interventions and resources where they are needed the most.

    The Health Inequality Data Repository is the largest global collection of disaggregated data about health a…

    To reduce inequities in immunization we first need to know where they are. Monitoring health inequalities is a basis for targeting interventions and resources where they are needed the most.

    The Health Inequality Data Repository is the largest global collection of disaggregated data about health and determinants of health – with about 11 million data points across more than 2000 indicators. These data can be explored directly through the Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT), an interactive software which facilitates the examination of inequalities and the evaluation of relevant interventions to address them. 

    An informational webinar will introduce the WHO Health Inequality Data Repository and demonstrate its use with HEAT. You will hear from global stakeholders who will discuss the importance of the WHO Health Inequality Data Repository within their respective areas of work and across the SDGs.

    Event details

    Date and time: Thursday 20 April 2023, 13:00-14:15 CET


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    20 Avr 2023 à 13:00 - 14:15 - Europe/Zurich
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