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  • Maggie Hurley a créé un nouvel événement

    Optimizing COVID-19 Vaccination Data Investments for the Future: The COVID-19 to Routine Immunization Information System Transferability Assessment

    The COVID-19 emergency and vaccine introduction led countries to invest in new immunization information systems to collect, manage, and use COVID-19 vaccination data. Governments are wondering whether these systems and their new functionalities could be used to support routine immunization objectiv…

    The COVID-19 emergency and vaccine introduction led countries to invest in new immunization information systems to collect, manage, and use COVID-19 vaccination data. Governments are wondering whether these systems and their new functionalities could be used to support routine immunization objectives, such as improved tracking of immunization defaulters or sending reminder messages. The COVID-19 to routine immunization information system transferability assessment (CRIISTA) framework provides a systematic process for gathering evidence and making recommendations to inform these decisions. This webinar will provide an overview of the framework, key users and use cases, the recommended assessment process, and time for discussion and sharing of experiences. Register here:



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    24 Mai 2023 à 08:00 - 09:00 - America/New_York
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