Article de revue

A computerized reminder strategy is effective for annual influenza immunization of children with asthma or reactive airway disease.

BACKGROUND: Influenza virus infection frequently triggers asthma exacerbation and hospitalization. Annual influenza immunization is recommended for children with chronic conditions- including those with asthma or reactive airway disease (RAD)/ however- weeks later by an autodial recall telephone message- was sent to the parent/guardian of children with asthma/RAD using the Shared Medical Systems to identify children with asthma/RAD and the Integrated Client Encounter System to record immunizations. The effect of this computerized reminder system on the influenza immunization rate of a cohort of 925 Scott and White Pediatric Clinic children with asthma/RAD was examined for the 1996 to 1997 and 1997 to 1998 influenza seasons- before and after intervention. RESU


  • Anglais

Année de publication



The Pediatric infectious disease journal




Article de revue


  • Données


  • Grippe


  • TIC
  • Système de rappel

Ajouté par: Moderator

Ajouté le: 2023-03-24 03:32:08

Consultations: 1205

Fichier téléchargé

Gaglani et al. - 2001 - A computerized reminder strategy is effective for annual influenza immunization of children with asthma or react.pdf

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