Article de revue

[DUPLICATE] The imperative for stronger vaccine supply and logistics systems

With the introduction of new vaccines- developing countries are facing serious challenges in their vaccine supply and logistics systems. Storage capacity bottlenecks occur at national- regional- and district levels and system inefficiencies threaten vaccine access- availability- and quality. As countries adopt newer and more expensive vaccines and attempt to reach people at different ages and in new settings- their logistics systems must be strengthened and optimized. As a first step- national governments- donors- and international agencies have crafted a global vision for 2020 vaccine supply and logistics systems with detailed plans of action to achieve five priority objectives. Vaccine products and packaging are designed to meet the needs of developing countries. Immunization supply systems support efficient and effective vaccine delivery. The environmental impact of energy- materials- and processes used in immunization systems is minimized. Immunization information systems enable better and more timely decision-making. Competent and motivated personnel are empowered to handle immunization supply chain issues. Over the next decade- vaccine supply and logistics systems in nearly all developing countries will require significant investments of time and resources from global and national partners- donors- and governments. These investments are critical if we are to reach more people with current and newer vaccines.


  • Anglais




31 Suppl 2


Article de revue


  • Données


  • Approvisionnement en vaccins

Ajouté par: Moderator

Ajouté le: 2015-07-02 04:59:32

Consultations: 1125

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Zaffran et al. - 2013 - The imperative for stronger vaccine supply and logistics systems2.pdf

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