Article de revue

[DUPLICATE] The Israel National Immunization Registry

Immunization coverage is a major health indicator. In Israel- routine childhood immunizations are provided at community public well-baby clinics. Immunization monitoring is an important cornerstone of a national health policy/ however data obtained through sampling carries the risk of under-representation of certain population strata- particularly high risk groups. Despite high national average immunization coverage- specific subpopulations are under-immunized- as highlighted by outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. The mean national immunization coverage at age 2 years (2006 data) was: DTaP-IPV-Hib4 (all 93%)- HBV3 (96%)- MMR1 (94%)- HAV1 (90%). These reports are based on a 17% population-based sampIe in some districts and on cumulative reports in others. A national immunization registry requires data completeness- protection of confidentiality- compulsory reporting by providers- and links to other computerized health records. It should provide individual immunization data from infancy to adulthood and be accessible to both providers and consumers. In 2008 the Israel Ministry of Health launched a national immunization registry based on immunization reporting from well-baby clinics using a web-based computerized system. As of January 2010-120 well-baby clinics are connected to the nascent registry- which includes the records of some 50-000 children. The implementation of a comprehensive national immunization registry augurs well for the prospect of evidence-based assessment of the health status of children in Israel.


  • Anglais


The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ




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Stein-Zamir et al. - 2010 - The Israel national immunization registry2.pdf

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