Article de revue

EPIVAC International Conference on Financial Sustainability of Immunization Programs in sub-Saharan Africa

The introduction of new vaccines with much higher prices than traditional vaccines results in increasing budgetary pressure on immunization programs in GAVI-eligible countries, increasing the need to ensure their financial sustainability. In this context, the third EPIVAC (Epidemiology and Vaccinology) technical conference was held from February 16 to 18, 2012 at the Regional Institute of Public Health in Ouidah, Benin. Managers of ministries of health and finance from 11 West African countries (GAVI eligible countries), as well as former EPIVAC students and European experts, shared their knowledge and best practices on immunization financing at district and country level.

The conference concluded by stressing five major priorities for the financial sustainability of national immunization programs (NIPs) in GAVI-eligible countries.

-Strengthen public financing by increasing resources and fiscal space, improving budget processes, increasing contribution of local governments and strengthen efficiency of budget spending.

-Promote equitable community financing which was recognized as a significant and essential contribution to the continuity of EPI operations.

-Widen private funding by exploring prospects offered by sponsorship through foundations dedicated to immunization and by corporate social responsibility programs.

-Contain the potential crowding-out effect of GAVI co-financing and ensure that decisions on new vaccine introductions are evidence-based.

-Seek out innovative financing mechanisms such as taxes on food products or a national solidarity fund.


  • Anglais

Année de publication







Article de revue


  • Gestion de programme


  • Bénin


  • Gavi, l'Alliance du vaccin


  • Planification, budgétisation et financement
  • Durabilité

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région africaine

Ajouté par: Moderator

Ajouté le: 2015-09-26 12:16:48

Consultations: 1490