Article de revue

Evaluation of scanning 2D barcoded vaccines to improve data accuracy of vaccines administered.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Accurately recording vaccine lot number, expiration date, and product identifiers, in patient records is an important step in improving supply chain management and patient safety in the event of a recall. These data are being encoded on two-dimensional (2D) barcodes on most vaccine vials and syringes. Using electronic vaccine administration records, we evaluated the accuracy of lot number and expiration date entered using 2D barcode scanning compared to traditional manual or drop-down list entry methods. METHODS We analyzed 128,573 electronic records of vaccines administered at 32 facilities. We compared the accuracy of records entered using 2D barcode scanning with those entered using traditional methods using chi-square tests and multilevel logistic regression. RESULTS When 2D barcodes were scanned, lot number data accuracy was 1.8 percentage points higher (94.3-96.1%, P


  • Anglais

Année de publication







Article de revue


  • Prestation de services


  • Qualité des données
  • Rapport de données
  • Dispositif d'administration
  • TIC
  • Traçabilité

Ajouté par: Marcela

Ajouté le: 2022-11-30 01:03:37

Consultations: 1708