Article de revue

From epidemic meningitis vaccines for Africa to the Meningitis Vaccine Project

In June 2001, BMGF awarded a grant of US$70 million to create the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP) as a partnership between PATH and WHO, with the specific goal of developing an affordable MenA conjugate vaccine to eliminate MenA meningitis epidemics in Africa. EVA is an example of the use of WHO as an important convening instrument to facilitate new approaches to address major public health problems.


  • Anglais

Année de publication



Clin Infect Dis.


Suppl. 5


Article de revue


  • Initiatives mondiales


  • Bénin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cameroun
  • République centrafricaine
  • Tchad
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • République démocratique du Congo
  • Érythrée
  • Éthiopie
  • Ghana
  • Guinée
  • Guinée-Bissau
  • Kenya
  • Mali
  • Mauritanie
  • Niger
  • Nigéria
  • Rwanda
  • Sénégal
  • Soudan du Sud
  • Togo
  • Ouganda

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région africaine

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