Article de revue

The evaluation of a standardized call/recall system for childhood immunizations in Wandsworth- England.

To improve uptake of childhood immunizations in Wandsworth we developed a standardized call/recall system based on parents being sent three reminders and defaulters being referred to a Health Visitor. Thirty-two out of 44 primary care practices in the area implemented the intervention in September 2011. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation- delivery and impact on immunization uptake of the new call/recall system. To assess implementation and delivery- a mixed method approach was used including qualitative (structured interviews) and quantitative (data collected at three months post-implementation) assessment. To assess the impact- we used Student's t test to compare the difference in immunization uptake rates between intervention and non-intervention practices before and after implementation. The call/recall system was viewed positively by both parents and staff. Most children due or overdue immunizations were successfully captured by the 1st invitation reminder. After three invitations- between 87.3 % (MMR1) and 92.2 % (pre-school booster) of children identified as due or overdue immunizations successfully responded. Prior to implementation there was no difference in uptake rates between intervention and non-intervention practices. Post-implementation uptake rates for DTaP/IPV/Hib- MMR1- MMR2 and the pre-school booster were significantly greater in the intervention practices. Similar findings were seen for PCV and Hib/MenC boosters- although the differences were not statistically significant at the 5 % level. Following the successful implementation of a standardized call/recall system in Wandsworth- other regions or primary care practices may wish to consider introducing a similar system to help improve their immunization coverage levels.


  • Anglais

Année de publication



Journal of community health




Article de revue


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Ajouté par: Moderator

Ajouté le: 2015-07-02 04:59:31

Consultations: 853

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Atchison Zvoc Balakrishnan - 2013 - The evaluation of a standardized callrecall system for childhood immunizations in Wandsworth Engl.pdf

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