Article de revue

Use of oral cholera vaccines in an outbreak in Vietnam: A case control study

Killed oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) are available but not used routinely for cholera control except in Vietnam, which produces its own vaccine. In 2007–2008, unprecedented cholera outbreaks occurred in the capital, Hanoi, prompting immunization in two districts. In an outbreak investigation, we assessed the effectiveness of killed OCV use after a cholera outbreak began. This is the first study to explore the effectiveness of the reactive use of killed OCVs during a cholera outbreak. Our findings suggest that killed OCVs may have a role in controlling cholera outbreaks.


  • Anglais


Plos Neglected Tropical Disease


Article de revue


  • Vaccins et dispositifs d'administration

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Ajouté le: 2023-07-11 08:39:48

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