
Webinar: Economies of Scale, Integration & Interoperability in Digital Health

The BID Learning Network (BLN) recently held a webinar entitled “Economies of Scale, Integration & Interoperability in Digital Health”.

This webinar discussed World Vision’s experiences in different countries and contexts, and the successes and challenges encountered (notably in engagements with governments) as they have worked in the field of digital health. They specifically discussed the mHealth solutions used by World Vision, namely Motech and CommCare, including the underlying health system/intervention models. They seek to give the audience an understanding and visualization of how this set of solutions can also embed immunization, including existing immunization data capture for nutrition and community case management applications as well as potential integration with immunization registries.

The speakers addressed the topic of interoperability and illustrated how this has been achieved between Motech/CommCare and other widely used eHealth solutions like DHIS2, as well as current work on OpenHIE compliance. This webinar should be of interest to eHealth practitioners as well as immunization program personnel with an interest in increased efficiency in data collection, quality, and use.



  • Anglais

Année de publication



BID Intiative




  • Données


  • PATH


  • BID
  • Qualité des données
  • Rapport de données
  • Systèmes d'information de la vaccination

Références sur le sujet


BID Initiative Lessons Learned EncyclopediaBID Initiative2018ReportAnglais
BID Initiative Planning ToolsBID Initiative2018ToolAnglais
BID Initiative Tools for Change Management and Data useBID Initiative2018ToolAnglais
BID Initiative Tools for OperationBID Initiative2018ToolAnglais
BLN Webinar | Cultivating a Data Use Culture: Lessons Learned from the BID InitiativeBID Initiative2019TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Building Capacity in Immunization Data Quality and Use through Mentorship – Introducing the BID Regional MentorsBID Initiative2018TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Data Driven Health Delivery Systems at eHealth AfricaBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Data Quality and Nominal Electronic Immunization Registries | Lessons Learned from Costa RicaBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Electronic Immunization Registry | Lessons from KenyaBID Initiative2018TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Identifying and Addressing Challenges in Deploying an Electronic Registry | The Ghana Health Service ExperienceBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Immunization Data Management Systems – Challenges and Perspectives from CameroonBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Improving the Quality of Immunization and Surveillance Data in Burkina FasoBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Integration of a Community-Based Early Warning System Module into DHIS2 in Cote d’IvoireBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
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BLN Webinar: Making the Case for Improved Immunization Data in ZimbabweBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Principles of Digital DevelopmentBID Initiative2017TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Reaching Every District incorporating Quality Improvement (RED-QI)BID Initiative, PATH2014TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Successful Implementation of a Health Information SoftwareBID Initiative2015TrainingAnglais
BLN Webinar: Web-Based Immunization Information SystemsBID Initiative2014TrainingAnglais
Slideshow for BLN webinar: Introducing the BID Learning Network Data Quality and Use CollaborativeBID Initiative2019TrainingAnglais
Slideshow for BLN webinar: Piloting of the e-Tracker App in the DHIS2 in The GambiaBID Initiative2018TrainingAnglais
Slideshow for webinar: Building real-time LMIS for the vaccine supply chain in NigeriaBID Initiative2014TrainingAnglais
Webinar: Cold Chain Management in ZambiaBID Initiative2015TrainingAnglais
Webinar: Development of a Health Information Systems Strategic Plan – The Liberian ExperienceBID Initiative2016TrainingAnglais
Webinar: Economies of Scale, Integration & Interoperability in Digital HealthBID Initiative2016TrainingAnglais
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Webinar: VaxTrac Benin Study Visit – Reflections and Lessons LearnedBID Initiative2016TrainingAnglais

Ajouté par: BID Initiative

Ajouté le: 2020-01-23 06:20:40

Consultations: 1240