
Enhancing Immunization Healthcare Delivery through the Use of Information Communication Technologies

The role that Information Communication Technologies plays in improving the efficiencies and effectiveness of healthcare delivery and particularly immunization coverage through the use of information and communications technologies has been well established. The paper examines the effectiveness of current immunization systems and challenges, then goes on to examine broader views regarding the interplay of political, social, economic and technology forces that influence the level of immunization coverage. It is this inter-play of forces that makes the problem of immunization coverage complex and also affected by time delays to deliver some of the functions. The paper presents the challenges in the current immunization system and shows how information communication technologies can be used to enhance immunization coverage. The paper suggests a framework to capture the complex and dynamic nature of the immunization process, to enhance the understanding of the immunization health care problems and to generate insights that may increase the immunization coverage effectiveness.


  • Anglais

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  • Données


  • TIC

Ajouté par: Moderator

Ajouté le: 2015-07-02 04:58:39

Consultations: 722

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Migga Mbarika Rodrigues - 2007 - Strengthening the Role of ICT in Development Editors.pdf

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