
Shortage of acellular pertussis-containing vaccines and impact on immunisation programmes in the EU/EEA

Early in 2015, a shortage of acellular pertussis-containing combination vaccines for use in EU/EEA immunisation programmes was brought to the attention of ECDC. The shortage, currently affecting some of the EU/EEA Member States (Member States), already had direct consequences for the delivery of national vaccination programmes, with some countries having to revise their childhood vaccination policy. Discontinuing or delaying primary vaccination schemes would have dramatic consequences, in particular for the prevention of pertussis and invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b in infants and young children. As much as possible, the infant and young children immunisation schedule should be preserved in order to ensure the early and adequate protection of newborns. Preference should be given to the use of combined

vaccines with the highest number of antigens. In the childhood vaccination schedule, the following priorities should be considered to minimise the disease burden: • Priority should be given to preserving the infant primary immunisation schedule (first year of life) over the first toddler booster dose (second year of life). • If applicable, the first toddler booster dose should be prioritised over the school-entry booster dose. Several options for the adaptation of the immunisation schedule due to vaccine shortage should be considered. These include: • Possible adjustments to the primary immunisation series (0–2 years); • Options for vaccine substitution in the immunisation schedule; • Building stockpiles to ensure immunisation programmes are maintained during future shortages.

An assessment of the temporary changes in vaccination schedules in the EU/EEA Member States is needed in order to better understand the epidemiological situation in the near future


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