
How WhatsApp is transforming communications within the Kenyan healthcare system

JSI and Sonder Design Collective present a fourth in a series of mini 30-minute webinars sharing their initial findings from the Vx Data Insights research in Kenya. This Human-Centered Design study is a joint effort between the two organizations and the Ministry of Health in Kenya, aimed at understanding the challenges around collecting and using data for decision-making in delivering immunization services.

In this webinar, the team will take you through their learnings about the use of WhatsApp as an informal data sharing tool. Through key insights and illustrative examples, they will describe how this app is used for real-time data sharing to help make decisions that respond to urgent and unmet needs. For more information about the work, you can download the initial Kenya findings report.


- Isaac Mugoya, Senior Technical Officer, Kenya - Immunization Center, JSI. Isaac has been working in immunization for more than three decades, supporting the Kenyan Ministry of Health in monitoring immunization programs, introducing new vaccines, and applying best practices.

- Emilia Klimiuk, Project Lead, Sonder Design Collective. Based in Lagos, Nigeria, Emilia is a designer and researcher specializing in applying Human-Centered Design methods to the health, microfinance, and agriculture sectors in low resource settings.

- Sarah Hassanen, Kenya Lead, Sonder Design Collective. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Sarah practices Human-Centred Design with a focus on health across multiple continents including Africa, Europe and the Middle East

Natasha Kanagat, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor and Deputy Director, Center for Health Information Monitoring and Evaluation, JSI. Natasha's primary expertise is in research design, analysis and interpretation with the ultimate goal of generating evidence to inform policy and program strategy.


  • Anglais




  • Prestation de services

Ajouté par: Wendy Prosser

Ajouté le: 2023-07-04 03:00:29

Consultations: 912

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